Helping you to grow wealth in the funeral industry
Would you like to buy, sell, refi or expand a funeral home?
We understand funeral home loans, the value of a funeral business and the value of a funeral director. We can give you a true picture of the worth at no cost or obligation and help you buy a funeral home.
We can tailor sale structures to fit your needs; whether it’s to family members or a key employee. We can also help you find the right buyer for your funeral business and sell your funeral home.
We can provide several refinance options that consider the goodwill of the firm and work with your succession plan and lower your monthly payment.
We can provide up to 100% financing to help you grow your deathcare industry business and expand your market
Whether you are adding a retort or remodeling a building, we can provide a loan to bring cremation in-house.
Our experts can give direction, strategy, and resources to help you make the best decisions.
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